Welcome to Enrollment Services
Admitted Students
Congratulations on being admitted to Gadsden State. 找出可用的资源,以帮助学生在实现教育十大赌博app的下一步.
Do you have questions?
Visit GadsdenState.edu/Apply to begin the application process. 转到步骤1中的应用程序门户并创建一个新的用户帐户. Follow the steps to complete the online application. It is FREE to apply to GSCC! 在招生清单页面上查看步骤2-5,并完成任何适用于您的步骤. 一旦招生办公室收到你需要的所有物品,你就可以入学了, 他们会给你发一封电子邮件和一封邮件,上面有你的学号和学生门户网站的信息.
Email admissions@sdhaixia.com 他们可以让你知道完成录取过程所需的任何项目.
Gadsden State offers “open admissions.这意味着所有学生要做的就是完成高中学业或获得普通教育文凭,然后进入十大赌博app. 在将您的正式高中毕业成绩单发送到GSCC后, 你将获准参加并收到正式录取通知书.
No. Gadsden State has open admissions. We only use ACT scores for placement in math and English classes. 想了解更多关于你有资格参加的数学和英语课程的信息,请联系 Enrollment Services or your faculty advisor.
No. However, 你应该尽快申请助学金,以便及时处理和打包,用于支付秋季学费. 在学期开始前不到两周申请的学生可能需要提前付款,以确保课程不会因未付款而被取消. Visit our FAFSA page for instructions.
Yes. If you list Gadsden State's college code on your FAFSA, it will be sent to the College for processing. You will have a Financial Aid tab appear on your OneACCS account. 您应该检查该选项卡以查看任何未满足的学生要求并完成它们,以便将您的援助打包并应用到您的帐户中. Some students are selected by the U.S. Department of Education for verification. 在这种情况下,所有必需的文件必须以电子方式提交给财政援助办公室. Once your aid is finalized, 您将收到来自GSCC财务援助办公室的录取电子邮件通知,您将开始在您的学生帐户下看到授权的财务援助显示. 在这两件事发生之前,你的经济援助还没有最终确定.
Yes, 如果你在申请学费后有可用的经济援助资金, you can use those funds to purchase books in the Gadsden State Bookstore. 书店可以在开课前一周开始收取经济援助账户的费用. 如果您在网上订购,您应该在下单时输入您的编号. 如果在书店订购,请带上你的成绩单和打印出来的课程表.
Yes. Current students can complete the GSCC General Scholarship application which has an ongoing deadline. Scholarships are awarded year-round as funds are available. 学生可以通过他们的myGadsdenState帐户访问此应用程序.
Choose your career of interest first, rather than a major, then see what degree is required for that career. The Cardinal Career Explorer is a great resource for students undecided on their future career.
向加兹登州立书店或你的导师查询所需的教科书. Once you have a complete class schedule, 你应该把课程表打印出来,拿到学校书店去看看你的课需要哪些书. 书店列出的必读书目正是每位教师的课程大纲所要求的. You can also search our Bookstore online to view required texts.
Cardinal Commit 为了在第一学期开始前做好充分的准备,学生是否可以选择参加为期一天的活动. ORI 101 从十大赌博app毕业需要一学分的课程吗. 它建立在红衣主教承诺的经验教训,教你如何成为一个成功的GSCC红衣主教! Topics include college terminology and protocols, success skills, employability skills, student engagement and advising.
如果你打算转学到阿拉巴马州的公立大学,你可以咨询一下 Alabama Transfers. 这是阿拉巴马州所有公立大学协调并同意的转学和衔接协议. You can see which courses will transfer to your next school. 如果你打算上阿拉巴马州的私立大学或州外学校, 你应该尽早联系学校核实课程转学信息. Your faculty advisor and the Advising and Retention Center 校园里也可以帮助你获得更多关于转学的信息.
Yes! Students can graduate from Gadsden State with an associate degree. Our general studies associate degrees have been developed using Alabama Transfers to ensure courses can transfer. If you already have all of those courses, then you should go ahead and graduate with an associate degree. Also, 我们的一些四年制大学合作伙伴为从十大赌博app毕业的学生提供特殊的转学奖学金.
FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 这是一项保护学生教育记录隐私的联邦法律. Generally, 大学必须得到学生的书面许可才能公布学生教育记录中的任何信息. This includes releasing information to a parent. If a student wishes to grant a parent access to education records, 学生必须完成一份批准释放的表格. 记录办公室为学生提供一种表格,授予学生记录信息的发布,经济援助办公室提供另一种表格,授予经济援助信息的发布. You can request the forms at records@sdhaixia.com and finaid@gadsdnestate.edu.
Visit Current Students 获取更多有用的信息和在十大赌博app入门的链接.